A Custom Recognition Award for Pizza Patrón

Pizza Patrón is a unique and highly focused brand, which has carved out its own niche in the pizza industry by positioning itself as the premier Latin pizza brand. The Patrón experience is about celebrating life and making each moment count.


Inspired Bronze modeled the custom design after the Pizza Patrón logo, displaying a man’s face wearing a fedora hat. The design was hand-crafted into a three dimensional model and cast in the highest quality of pewter. A total of five awards were created and presented at the 2013 Patrón Awards.

“It was an honor to create the custom awards for a recognized pizza chain and we are thrilled that the Pizza Patrón award recipients will now have a physical reminder their achievements,” says Inspired Bronze owner.

"When Pizza Patrón began the search to find a company who could create a custom sculpture for our annual Patrón Awards trophies, we wanted to find a true artisan, not just a manufacturer.  Our vision was to transform our two-dimensional logo into a three dimensional, personified image. Inspired bronze understood from the beginning just how critical this project was to us and how discriminating we would be - we are thrilled with the results.  Jackie Ramieri was the consummate professional and exceeded our expectations for quality and service, meeting every deadline promised," says Andy Gamm, Brand Director for Pizza Patron, Inc.


Custom Award: The Round-Up


Steinway Sculpture by Inspired Bronze Featured in the Steinway Chronicle