Inspired Bronze

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Custom Trophy Inspires Production for TOPPS

There are many reasons to have a custom award or trophy made. While often the main reason might be to give at a competition or a special event, sometimes, just having an award around the office inspires motivation to produce top quality work.

At TOPPS, the app development department wanted a custom trophy that could be passed from desk to desk on a weekly basis to recognize the top performing team member. They asked us for a trophy incorporating their logo with a smartphone, and the end result is below.

Chris Vaccaro, Editor-in-Chief and Head of App Operations, had this to say:

“It came out amazing. We're all very happy with it, and it has certainly produced a point of weekly motivation for my producers. Everyone is working a little harder to make sure they can get, or keep, the hardware on their desk. Thanks again!”

Our custom awards and trophies are perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re recognizing employees on a yearly or weekly basis, we can create something very special that will show how much their hard work and dedication is appreciated. Contact us today to learn about our custom logo award process.